Check Inquiry
Check Inquiry lists all checks that have been sent to a vendor.
- Select Date Range or Check Number from the Select drop-down list.
- Enter or select a date range using the Calendar feature in the From and To fields.
- Select a type from the Type drop-down list.
- Select a bank from the Bank drop-down list.
- Check the Checks box to include paper checks sent to vendors in the list.
- Check the EFTs box to include electronic checks sent to vendors in the list.
- Check the ACHs box to include electronic transfer sent to vendors in the list.
- Check the Include Voids box to include voids in the list.
- Check the Include Voids Only box to only include voids in the list.
- Click the link to create a report of the list of checks.
- Click the link to create the report.
- Click the link to export the data to Excel.
Sample Check Inquiry Report
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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021